
Showing posts from April, 2020

Lessons (Week April 27)

We are continuing this week with Letters K and Q(u).  Friday is May 1st and May is the month we honor Jesus' mother, Mary.   We are going to try our first Zoom meeting with the Mon/Wed/Fri class(4 year old class only) this Friday May, 1 at 1 pm.  I will send out the login information by Thursday.  We will start the meeting with the poem below.  Please practice the poem with your child prior to the meeting. Welcome, welcome. One, two, three. Jesus loves us, you and me.  Little, big, short, and tall, Jesus cares for one and all. Welcome, welcome. Three, two, one. Jesus loves us, every one! We will end the meeting by saying "See You Later, Alligator."  Please practice the student's response, "After While, Crocodile."  We hope to see the whole class, Friday!  In the meantime, keep up the great work at home.  We love seeing pictures and videos from home, so keep them coming!   Stay safe and healthy. Lo...

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day!  Here are some Earth Day resources you can do with your kiddos at home! Watch read aloud of How to Help the Earth by the Lorax on YouTube and/or Watch read aloud of Earth Day by Mercer Meyer on YouTube The link below has 25 Awesome Earth Day Activities - some of them are very cool!  Check it out! If you do an Earth Day activity at home with your preschooler, please share a picture with us!   "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it.  The world and all its people belong to him.  For he laid the earth's foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths."  Psalms 24:1-2 NLT

Lesson (Week 4/20)

Welcome back!  We hope you had a wonderful Easter and Spring Break.  We are going to jump back into our letter of the week.  The next 2 weeks will be dedicated to the letters K and Q(u).  Please let us know if you need anything.  We are going to try to Zoom with the kids in the near future, so stay tuned!  Stay safe and healthy!  -Please talk about the letters, what sounds they make and words that begin with those letters (kite, kangaroo, queen, quarter etc.) (Both classes) -  Practice writing the letters K and Q in your packet or using the papers linked below. (4 year old class only) -  Color the big letter K and Q linked below. (3 year old class)

Lesson (Week 4/6)

Easter break starts Thursday so we will not start a new letter this week.  Words cannot express how much we miss seeing your children.  Thank you for the pictures and videos!  We LOVE seeing these, so keep them coming!  Below you will find some Easter-themed practice and some cute Easter videos/crafts if you feel so inclined.  From the bottom of our hearts, we pray you have a healthy and very blessed Easter!!! Number tracing practice: Cutting practice: Coloring pages: Fun and Simple Religious Easter Craft: Easter YouTube Songs: https:...