
Showing posts from May, 2020

June 1-5

We are on our final letter of the week!  Letter Z!   Please discuss the letter sound and words that begin with Z. Watch Jack Hartmann Letter Z song: Letter Z optional craft: Tues/Thurs Class Zoom Thursday at 1 pm: Please come prepared to share something ORANGE! Mon/Wed/Fri Class Zoom Friday at 1 pm: We will be focusing on the sense of TOUCH.  Please have your child ready to share something and describe how it feels (teddy bear - soft, lego block - bumpy, book cover - smooth etc.) Have a fantastic week!

End of Year Celebrations and Info for the Week

We hope you all had a restful long weekend and enjoyed this beautiful weather.  Here is some information about end of the year celebrations. Tues/Thurs Class -Thursday June 18th between the hours of 1-2 pm please come pick up a special prize we have prepared for your child.  We will be in the parking lot, just like packet pickup. Mon/Wed/Fri Class - Friday June 19th we will have a drive-thru celebration in the DeSales parking lot at 1 pm. *More info to come, but mark your calendars!!! Zoom Meetings will resume this week - Tues/Thurs class we will Zoom at 1 pm on Thursday (May 28, June 4 and June 11) This week the color is GREEN!  Please have your child prepared to share something green. - Mon/Wed/Fri class we will Zoom at 1 pm on Friday (May 29, June 5 and June 12) This week the sense is hearing.  Have your child ready to talk about a sound they love to listen to or really enjoy.  (Music, birds chirping etc) Letter of the week is Y! Watch Jack...

May 18-21

Our letter of the week is X!  We most often talk about this letter at the end of words such as fox, box, ax etc.  We have a short week due to the Memorial Day Holiday (no school Friday 5/22 and Monday 5/25).  Due to this shortened schedule  we will not have any Zoom meetings this week.   Check back to the blog next Monday and I will have all future Zoom dates posted. Here is a fun letter X craft: Watch Jack Hartmann Letter X video: Here are a few fun and simple Memorial Day crafts: Have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!  Enjoy the warmer weather!  

May 11-15

It was so nice to see so many of you at the packet pickup!  The second round of packet pickup (for those who couldn't make it last week) is this Wednesday May 13th from 12-1. Now you have materials that you can work through at home at your own pace. Letter of the Week: J Reinforce the sound it makes and words that begin with J. Here are some fun J crafts and activities (optional): Watch Letter J with Jack Hartmann: Jack and Jill Song for letter J: Mon/Wed/Fri Class: Zoom meeting Friday at 1 pm focusing on the sense of TASTE. Tues/Thurs Class: We thought the Zoom meeting went so well we would like to Zoom every week on Thursday at 1 pm.  We hope you can make it!  This week the color is RED.

Packet Pickup

We are busy getting packets ready for both preschool classes.  We will have them available for pickup in the DeSales parking lot on Wednesday, May 6 from 12-1 pm .  Just drive up and we will hand them to you.  You won't even have to get out of your car!  If you are unable to pick up at this time we can make other arrangements for you.  Thank you so much!

News for this Week (May 4-8)

We were very saddened to hear the news that we will not be back in school this academic year.  We want to take this time to thank all of you for working with us and most of all working with your children at home.  We are going to continue to provide materials and support for you.  We will be making packets this week that will carry you through June.  We will find out Monday how and when we will distribute those packets, so please continue to check in on the blog daily for that information! Our first Zoom meeting for the Tues/Thurs class will be Thursday May, 7 at 1 pm.   You will receive an email with the login information.  We plan to Zoom with this class every other week.   We will start our meeting with the following poem.  Please practice with your child prior to the meeting.   One, two, three, I love Jesus And Jesus loves me. Our zoom meetings will focus on color words.  The first color is blue.  Please ...

Zoom Today

We have a Zoom Meeting for the Mon/Wed/Fri class today at 1 pm.  If you did not receive the email with the meeting information, please email me ASAP Can't wait to see the kids!